
#CommunityPawds To-dos in a multi-pet household

#CommunityPawds To-dos in a multi-pet household

#CommunityPawds To-dos in a multi-pet household

What to do if you have a multi-pet household with dogs, cats, tortoises, fish and more? Watch video.

#CommunityPawds To-dos in a multi-pet household

In this episode of PawTube – a PawzNRead initiative focused on canine health and wellbeing, we discuss to-dos in a multi-pet household.

We are joined by Vijita Moray, whose household has four different species of pets – her dog Tyson; cats Chloe, Tai Lung and Tigi; tortoises Olive and Toto and a huge aquarium full of fish. An animal empath Vijita is also the Founder of Dubai-based customised pet furniture brand called Furnature.

What we discussed during the episode:

Know more about Furnature:

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Every month we will pick a topic that is important and relevant for the ‘humans of dogs’ community and invite community members to join us for these conversations.

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