Summer is a difficult time for dogs and humans especially in some parts of the world like ours [the UAE]. With temperature soaring every day, dog parents are trying to do everything to keep their beloved pooches cool. So, we thought of listing down some healthy treat ideas, some can be served as ice lollies too. You can give these 3 fruits to dogs as treats!
Also read: 5 tips to ensure doggy dental hygiene

Starting with watermelon
Containing over 90% water, watermelon is a great fruit all year round but a life saver during hot summer days. A few pieces of watermelon can do wonders to cool down dogs and humans. What’s more, you can puree watermelon and freeze them to make ice lollies that your dogs will love to lick after their walks. However, always remember to deseed watermelon, remove the rind and cut them into small pieces before serving them to your dog. Although watermelon is rich in fibre; potassium; Vitamins A, B6 and C; and low in calories making it a healthy treat for dogs, it contains sugar that can cause tummy upset. So, feed in moderation.

Over to strawberries
Rich in antioxidants strawberries are high in Vitamin C and fibre and contains Omega-3 making it a healthy treat for dogs. Remember to cut them into small pieces to avoid choking. Also, it’s better to opt for fresh strawberries as opposed to canned or in syrup. Despite several health benefits strawberries contain sugar so feed your dogs in moderation.

Blueberries are great
Here’s another fruit rich in antioxidants that studies show is great in reducing brain aging, especially in senior dogs, among other health benefits. Blueberries are great healthy treats for dogs as it contains fibre, Vitamin C and phytochemicals. You can serve your dogs fresh or frozen blueberries. But as with everything else, feed in moderation. Although blueberries are small and may not require cutting, for small dogs you may still want to cut them into pieces.
How much is too much?
According to the American Kennel Club “all treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily diet.”
Also, before adding anything new to your dog’s diet, it is advised to consult a veterinary doctor.
Goes without saying, always wash fruits thoroughly before serving.
Note: This article is meant for information and awareness and should not be considered as medical opinion.
I believe cucumbers are also good watery snack for doggos when given in moderation and cutting the pieces small enough not to get stuck in to the throat when chomping the treats in. 😋
Rupkatha Bhowmick
Cucumbers are great as healthy snacks too 🙂 thank you for adding to the list, Sari.