A few months ago, I came across Wexford’s profile on Instagram, and for some reason I started associating the term ‘accomplished’ with his name. I was very curious to know his story. So, I contacted his human Youmna and learnt a lot about this boy. My obvious first question was the inspiration behind Wexford’s name, and learnt he was adopted at the age of three years and eight months. “I love the name Wexford, and I feel it really suits him. But I wasn’t the one who came up with his name. Wexford is a rescue; he came with this name, and I didn’t want to change it. Ever since he came to me, Wexford has brightened my entire life.”
Read more Rescue Tailz here

How did you meet Wexford?
Youmna: Since moving to Dubai, I’ve always wanted to adopt a dog. When I finally settled in, I started contacting different shelters and attended several adoption days. Finally, I got in touch with K9 Friends and scheduled a visit. During my visit, I met a few dogs. However, I couldn’t feel that connection with them until they introduced me to Wexford, and I fell in love immediately.
What was different in case of Wexford?
Youmna: I’m a calm introvert and so is Wexford. So, when we met, I guess our introverted personalities clicked.

What are some of Wexford’s goofiest traits?
Youmna: When Wexford tries to get my attention to go on a walk, it’s really adorable and goofy. He starts wiggling around on the couch and whipping his tail on my face until I finally give in. Another massively goofy trait is that Wexford gets scared when he farts loudly and loves to smell his farts 😉
What are some of your favourite things to do with Wexford?
Youmna: Going on car rides and snuggling are among our favourite things to do together. I’ve never met a dog who loves snuggling as much as Wexford. If it were up to him, we’d be snuggling all day, every day. This isn’t a common trait for Saluki or Saluki Mix dogs. Sometimes I wonder is it because I adjusted my lifestyle to his and that’s why he trusts me completely and wants to show his appreciation all the time? Whatever it is it melts my heart.

Do you both have an everyday ritual?
Youmna: Wexford does the most adorable thing when I take him to day care in the morning. He refuses to go into the play area until he gets his goodbye kisses. So, every morning, the day care team places bets on how many kisses Wexford will insist on getting before he is ready to play. On some days, it can go up to five times. This ritual of ours makes going to work a joy.
Please share one bog lesson that Wexford has taught you.
Youmna: One crucial thing that Wexford has taught me is that every single dog is different. It is essential to really take your time to know your dog and to understand their unique personality and needs. Another important thing that he taught me is that even dogs can get very lonely. Keeping a dog alone all day while we are at work is cruel to them. That’s why I started sending him to day care while I’m at work. I can rest assured that he is not sad, lonely and depressed and is being as active as he needs and deserves to be.

While having a dog in life is truly incredible its a huge responsibility too. Could you please share some thoughts especially for those considering fostering/adopting a dog?
Youmna: Before bringing Wexford home I took some time to make my final decision because having a pet is a huge responsibility and meant that I’d have to make changes in my life. It took me about a week to decide that there was no way I could not have Wexford in my life. So, I called K9 Friends and told them he had found his forever home.
When he finally came home, there was an adjustment period. Wexford was an older dog who seemed to have experienced some trauma. It took a lot of patience and love for him to feel like he could start coming out of his shell. I must mention that it took him a few months to finally feel like he was home. It also took me time to understand him and adjust my lifestyle to ensure that Wexford had his needs met in every way possible – physically, mentally and emotionally.
By adjusting my lifestyle to Wexford’s needs, instead of having him adjust to my lifestyle, he has really blossomed into a wonderful, loving and caring dog. I’ve become so attached to him that I can’t even imagine a life without him anymore. I’ve never experienced a love like our love for each other.
Finally, as a human of a beautiful dog what’s that one message you’d like to send out to our readers?
Youmna: If there’s one message I’d want to share with your readers, it will have to be please adopt, don’t shop. There are tons of beautiful dogs in shelters who are looking for love. And please don’t dismiss loving older dogs. They have had a tough life in a shelter at their age, and deserve just as much love.