“We were meant to be together,” says mommy of our guest, who is popularly known among his Instafam as @kiko.waggingtales. The boy with a happy face who is always wagging his tail. Kiko is, indeed, a happy soul, who brings incredible joy to his human mum Grazia. They are totally smitten by each other.

Tailz of a rescue
Kiko was rescued by the UAE Little Angels team from the Ajman industrial area, where the mother and her entire litter were found abandoned. Out of the litter, Kiko was found bleeding due to several bites he had received from older dogs in the area. The UAE Little Angels team brought the litter to the vet, where Kiko was stitched up and then looked after until he met his forever humans.
“He was five months old when he came to us, prior to which, he was lovingly fostered by a family that collaborates with the UAE Little Angels. We love Kiko to bits. He makes our everyday happier and goofier.”
If Kiko could speak the human lingo, he would agree with an emphatic ‘yes’. For now, he agrees with a woof and here are some of his ‘tailz’.
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Yeah we were meant to be together, my hoomans and I
Woof woof, hey people, it’s me Kiko. I was also called Jasper, I don’t know why. Since I came to my pawsome hoomans a few months ago, I’ve decided to only respond to Kiko. I love the name, it’s kinda cool.
Since I came to my forever home, my hoomans and I have been loving our ‘thug’ of war and throw & fetch games. I’m really fast at fetching the ball back so my hoomans can throw it again. The best part of the game is the sardine treats that I get at the end. I keep licking my snout until I’ve gobbled up the smell along with the treats. I love my chicken and rice meals too. Sometimes, I get ice-creams as well.

You know these days I’ve heard many hoomans talk about a side hustle. I’ve one too; but I think I’m soon gonna end up with a full-fledged modelling career. My hoomans are so proud of my looks that often they play pup-arazzi with me. I even do Tik Tok videos – can you imagine?
Now here’s the real deal – I really love my hoomans a lot, we are often found snuggling up with each other. We were meant to be together. Oh yes, I like my friend Aiko too; sometimes we hang out at the doggie park.