
Vietnamese couple on a mission to save rescued dogs

Vietnamese couple on a mission to save rescued dogs (PC: REUTERS/Nguyen Ha Minh)

Vietnamese couple on a mission to save rescued dogs (PC: REUTERS/Nguyen Ha Minh)

Their story may not be the happiest but one that’s truly heart-warming. We are talking about a Vietnamese couple on a mission to save rescued dogs, first reported by Reuters. Last year when the couple suffered from Covid-19 and were quarantining their pack of 15 dogs were culled by the authorities. The act was, reportedly, out of fear as the authorities thought the dogs could transmit coronavirus from their owners to others.

What happened then…

Hearing about the fate of their 15 dogs made the couple distraught. On recovering the couple adopted seven rescued dogs and are now spending their time and energy to care for the little puppies. Their story of undying love for dogs and unbearable heartbreak gained resonance in the community. The community raised voiced against authorities for culling the previous pack. And the community is also, reportedly, raising donations so the couple can care for their current pack.

Agents of change

Nguyen Thi Chi Em and Pham Minh Hung, the Vietnamese couple on a mission to save rescued dogs are also agent of change. They spend a big part of their earnings to rescue animals from dire straits. It’s almost their second nature to rescue and protect dogs from ending up in slaughterhouses and restaurants. [In Vietnam dog consumption is not illegal]. The couple has also sworn to do anything to save their current pack of pups.

Also read: Cost of the Ukrainian crisis on humans and animals

Being agents of change is never easy. But for those who genuinely care, there is seldom anything more rewarding than ensuring animal welfare. To be the voice for the voiceless. And to be able to stand up on every required occasion to protect helpless dogs and other animals from gruesome circumstances.

This story first appeared in Reuters.

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