
Some memories last for a lifetime

Some memories last a lifetime

Some memories last a lifetime

I remember when a dear friend lost her two rescued dogs in quick succession I’d asked her, will you ever be able to foster or adopt another? “If I don’t then what did my dogs teach me,” she had said. In many ways, today’s story took me back to my friend’s wise words. Why? Because today’s story started with a dog called Nala who came into her human Megan’s life in 2020 right in the midst of the pandemic. Nala brought immense love to Megan but tragically grew wings within just a year which was beyond heart-breaking. But some memories last for a lifetime. And some stories don’t end; this one surely didn’t because in came Nellie.

Read more #HumansofPaws stories here

So, how did you meet Nellie?

We’ll have to thank Nala for that. If it wasn’t for her, we wouldn’t have gone in search for another family member. I saw a post in Instagram of this little black furball with fussiest ears and prettiest eyes, similar to what we had lost yet not so similar to cause heartache. We had decided to go to PetAvenue’s adoption day to see Nellie from afar. It obviously didn’t go as planned because as soon we I entered the store I saw Nellie. She was in a little play pen, and she hopped right out grabbed a toy and came to me all happy and full of joy. The organisers put her back three times but each time she hopped out and came right to me and sat by me. It almost felt as if she was choosing me. We stayed there for an hour and then left. On the drive home I called them back to say that we’ll be taking Nellie home.

Was the initial settling in period difficult?

Not at all, absolutely 100% the opposite. Not only me but everyone around us was very surprised how Nellie adjusted to life with us from the first night itself.

What are some things that you love doing with Nellie?

All-time favourite is our evenings walks. Now that the cooler months are here, we can stay out for longer and that also includes playing fetch which Nellie loves. Another favourite thing and time is early morning cuddles in bed every day before its time to get up.

What are some of her goofiest traits?

Little Nellie’s always – and I mean always – has to have a toy or object in her mouth to greet anyone or when she wants attention, she will just drop it on your lap and stare.

How have they (first Nala and now Nellie) changed your life?

It surely began with Nala whom we got in 2020 amid Covid where I was at my unhealthiest. Because of her I started enjoying walks and moving and got more active. Nellie has continued that now as she has got a lot more energy. So, the walks are longer with much playing around and running. Plus, the companionship is just unbelievable.

Please share some lessons that they have taught you.

They have taught me to open my heart up to dogs. It’s because of then that I got involved with volunteering whenever I can and fostered twice. There are so many dogs out here in the UAE who have no one to care for them when they are hungry, lonely or sick, its heart breaking.

While having a dog in life is truly incredible, its a huge responsibility too. Could you please share some thoughts especially for humans considering fostering/adopting a dog?

To anyone considering fostering/adopting I’d say PLEASE DO IT. You will not regret it. There are so many homeless dogs here, who if fostered/adopted will find a home while you will find someone who will love you endlessly, won’t judge you and will be there for you always.

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