Hey folks today I’m going to address a supaw important topic – six tricks to walk your human: a dog’s guide. I’ve created this dog guide to help humans stay active. After all, with so much going on humans often feel lazy to walk and then they complain about becoming chubby.
I’m tired of hearing my humans say, “Oh, I’ve gained so much weight.” If you are facing the same issue, I’ve created a step-by-step guide to help your humans get active.

Be in control
First things first, help your humans to buy a good quality harness and leash. This will allow your human to tether themselves to you, so you can be in control. They won’t be able to amble around or wander too much. Even if it seems as if the dog is being walked, its often the other way round.
But give them breaks
Okay here’s the thing, when the weather is good, I can easily walk 4km. Since the humans might feel tired, I’m considerate enough to give them breaks. So, I stop every now and then to sniff while they take in some air. Even if it might seem as if I’m not wasting time, it’s not the case.
Go on a bark fest
Did you know that the average human attention span has declined by 4 seconds over the last decade? From 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2021. Clearly, we must do something about it. So, while on our walks, I make it a point to bark at intervals. Even if it seems as if I’m not being rude, I’m only checking if my humans are attentive.

Have you heard about interval training?
I’m happy to let you know that now I’ve a degree in ‘interval training’. The course wasn’t that difficult. I’ll share the most effective interval training trick. At intervals, not too many though, drag your humans as fast as possible. Through interval training, you’ll help your humans to have their compulsory screen free time by forcing them to be fully attentive during walks. Even if it seems as if I’m chasing after a fellow doggo, that’s not the case there’s a bigger purpose.
There’s no such thing as a short walk
Now that the weather is getting better [in the UAE], you’ve to keep the humans moving. Otherwise, they will keep sitting at their desks staring at the screens. Its so harmful, I tell ya. So, as a policy don’t accept short walks. There’s no such thing as a short walk [in better months of the year]. Even if it seems as if I’m trying to find that perfect spot to poop, sometimes that’s my trick to help the humans walk a bit more.
Test your training skills
Finally, I’ve also created an effective test to check your training skills. It’s quite simple. After pooping, kick up a sandstorm and casually walk away. If your humans scoop up the poop after brushing off all that sand that you just kicked up, you’ll pass the test with distinction. Even if it seems as if the dog is irresponsible for not picking up our poop, we are only testing our training skills.

Mr. Popo is the Paw-in-Chief of PawzNRead. He contributes O’pawnion pieces for PawzNRead.