
Sara Capesciotti: Vet of the Month

Sara Capesciotti: Vet of the Month

Sara Capesciotti: Vet of the Month

Knowing that our ‘humans of dogs’ community is always keen to get recommendations, especially about trustworthy veterinary doctors in the UAE, we’ve decided to feature one vet every month. And we are starting with Sara Capesciotti, vet of the month for June.

Specialisation: Veterinary physiotherapy specialising in rehabilitation of small animals.

Years of practice: In total seven years, three in Italy and four in Dubai. Currently Sara is with Blue Oasis Veterinary Clinic in Dubai.

Sara Capesciotti: Vet of the Month

Who/what inspired you to become a veterinary doctor?

Sara: The vet of my first kitten inspired me to become a veterinary doctor. He was so gentle with animals and so good in his diagnosis. You could easily see the passion in his eyes. I did my externship with him for a year.

Do you have a dog/cat/any other pet of your own?

Sara: I have two dogs and two cats. One small mix breed found on the streets of Rome called Tati, one saluki found in the Dubai desert called Suki. Two black and white cats. One found in the garbage in Italy when was only a month old, and the other one a Scottish fold mix found in the streets of Dubai (who had tested FIv positive at that time).

How would you describe your pet in 100 words?

Sara: Since I’ve to describe one pet. I’ll talk about Tati. I feel as if she is my soulmate. She understands everything and loves to sleep as much as I do. When I’m at home in Italy we always snooze together and explore the countryside every afternoon. There you go…in less than 100 words 😉

Also read: I wish everyone could have a pet

Sara Capesciotti: Vet of the Month

What do you like the most about your job?

Sara: The primary purpose of my job is to improve the quality of life of animals with rehabilitative physiotherapy until it is possible. Support them and their humans to ensure a good quality of life. This is the thing I love the most about my job. I feel as if paralyzed animals and senior pets always have a second chance with me, and that’s a huge responsibility too.

What do you like the least about your job?

Sara: When I understand that I’m not able to help an animal anymore, and I must let one of my patients go. That’s a heart-breaking moment every time.

If you were not a veterinary doctor, what would you aspire to be?

Sara: I’d probably be a makeup artist.

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