In Irish or Gaelic Rua means the colour red. “And red is my favourite colour. When Rua was rescued, he was apparently wearing a red collar and when I first met him, he was again wearing a red collar. I took these as signs that we were meant to be together. Rua is the best thing that happened to me,” said his human Deirdre (fondly called DiDi).
Rua (formerly known as Kami) was rescued from Iran almost two years ago. He was badly abused and found with a neck burn/blister caused by being tied up, had both his ears and tail clipped. Rua also had a broken hind leg and suffered from hip dysplasia. He was rescued by a guardian angel who took him in and ensured Rua got the medical treatment that he needed. After recovering Rua was brought to Dubai in May 2021 by a wonderful adoption agency.
“That’s when I came across a post about Rua on Facebook by his foster family. I reached out to them and the adoption agency to arrange a meeting. One look at him and I decided to adopt Rua, and we have been inseparable since.”
Read more rescue tailz here.

Since Rua had a rough start, does he still have trust/anxiety issues?
DiDi: In the beginningRua was extremely frightened, so much so that he used to shake whenever someone approached him. He was afraid of the dark and shadows. For the first few months we slept with a night light on. Rua lacked confidence and for a long time his safe place was the sofa where he would stay only venturing for his food and water bowls. Slowly Rua started feeling safe knowing that he was in his forever home with his forever human, and his real personality started to show. He is so affectionate and loves rubbing up against my legs for a cuddle.
Once he felt settled at home, I wanted him to socialise with dogs. So, Rua started going to a doggy day care. While he loved being around dogs, he was afraid of the handlers in the beginning. He would sit at the side and watch without interacting with other dogs. Gradually he started feeling safe at the day care too. Now Rua is well-known in the dog park by both dogs and humans.

How have you helped him heal?
DiDi: Rua still has trust issues, and he is very protective of me. If someone approaches me and he feels I’ve not noticed, he will bark. He also barks if he hears anyone outside our apartment door and initially when someone enters the apartment. Rua still needs reassurance especially at night when he hears sounds that frighten him. I noticed that heavy rainfall at night frightens him, so one night when it rained, we stood at the balcony door and watched so that he can overcome his fear eventually.

How has Rua changed your life?
DiDi: Rua is my best friend; he has added so much to my life. He has made me mindful of things I never knew I needed. Rua is so affectionate and cuddly always wanting to be close to me.

What are some of Rua’s favourite activities?
DiDi: Rua absolutely loves the dog park. He loves being off the lead. Rua follows the same routine; he first walks the parameter of the park, sniffs around, gets cuddles from the dog parents and then plays with the dogs. He enjoys desert walks, and surprisingly he enjoys watching camels. Rua loves cuddles. When I’m watching TV, he comes and sits on top of me blocking my view to remind me that he is there.

What is his goofiest trait?
DiDi: Every morning Rua literally snuggles into me using his paws to wake me up. Having him is such a blessing.
On days you feel blah how does Rua cheer you up?
DiDi: When I’ve had a long day at work I love coming home because I know I’ll be smothered in cuddles from Rua. He has taught me the art of resilience. Even after so much abuse that Rua faced, he still has so much love to give and remains a big softy. In appearance he looks fierce as he is big and has a harsh bark. However, Rua is soft at heart and is a lover not a fighter. But he is often misunderstood because of his appearance.

While having a dog in life is truly incredible, its a huge responsibility too. Could you please share some thoughts especially for humans considering fostering/adopting a dog?
DiDi: Adopting a dog is a full-time commitment. While Rua is the best thing that happened to me, he requires a lot of attention. He also eats a lot 😉 and peanut butter is his favourite treat. Financially speaking, caring for a dog can be expensive. For example, in the beginning when Rua came home vet visits for his hip dysplasia and then Giardia infection required a lot of medication. My advice is to think logically, and budget for everything before you bring a dog home. Before getting Rua home, I budgeted for his day care. I’ve also factored in the cost of his relocation to Ireland my home country when the time comes. Dogs bring so much love and have such a positive effect on your life, but they are like children requiring a lot of time and attention.
Finally, as a human of a beautiful dog what message would you like to share with our readers?
DiDi: Adopting Rua is the best thing I’ve ever done. I’ll never regret having Rua because he brings me inexplicable joy. Bringing a dog home is a life-changing experience but must be well thought out.