
Raimundo Tamagnini: Vet of the Month

Raimundo Tamagnini: Vet of the Month

Raimundo Tamagnini: Vet of the Month

On International Cat Day [celebrated on August 8] today we are featuring a very special doctor, fondly called Dr Rai, the ‘cat whisperer’. Presenting Dr Raimundo Tamagnini: Vet of the Month. In 2019 Dr Rai set up The Cat Vet in Dubai, a cat-only clinic accredited by International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM).

Specialisation: Felines

Years of practice: A total of 24 years in the veterinary field, Dr Rai has worked in Portugal, Spain, the UK and the UAE.

Read about previously featured ‘Vet of the Month’ here

Dr Raimundo Tamagnini: Vet of the Month

What inspired you to become a veterinary doctor?

Dr Rai: I come from a family of doctors, but my love for pets made me choose veterinary sciences, and I have loved every moment of it. As a child, I had adopted a kitten, which in hindsight, perhaps was the start of it all.

Do you have a cat or any other pet of your own?

Dr Rai: I’ve two cats and four tortoises.  

How would you describe your pets?

Dr Rai: Besides being my constant companions both of my beautiful cats are affectionate and never cease to amuse me. The four rescued tortoises always give me peace and serenity, and I enjoy watching them move calmly in my garden.

Dr Raimundo Tamagnini: Vet of the Month.

Why did you set up a cat-only clinic?

Dr Rai: Cats have always been a special part of my life. They have different environmental needs, and I thought it would be amazing to open a clinic just to meet those specific needs. Every cat parent realises their sensitive feline friends’ need for a safe environment with minimal stress. And I thought the concept of a cat-only clinic would be great. Further, since there are so many cats in Dubai (and sadly strays too), I became more and more interested in cats. I continued my studies specifically in Feline Medicine to provide exceptional and stress-free medical care to felines.

What do you like the most about your job?

Dr Rai: Everything! I genuinely love to work with cats while trying to understand them better. Even after all these years, there is something new to learn about these special animals every day.

What do you like the least about your job?

Dr Rai: The frustration of not being able to save them all.

Dr Raimundo Tamagnini: Vet of the Month.

If you were not a veterinary doctor, what would you have aspired to be?

Dr Rai: A feline veterinary nurse 😊

How would you describe a cat in one word?

Dr Rai: Unique.

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