Meet the brainy soul, Mozek.
A few months ago, we met the beautiful Mozek, just as we were stepping out for our walk. One look at each other, Mozek and Popo became buddies. I think a conversation happened too.

Popo: Hey there, you smell so good. Are you new in the area? Haven’t seen ya before.
Mozek: Well, I have heard ya – you are the one with a loud voice 😉 you got a nice cool vest.
Popo: Yeah, my hoomans make me wear all kinds of stuff. By the way, your hoomans are crazy too – look at that flashy green collar you are wearing.
Mozek: I beg to differ. My hoomans are so fashionable – they have gone after me!
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You guessed it right; meanwhile, us humans were exchanging notes on the “cool vest” and “flashy green collar.” Pawrents will be pawrents, after all!
Mozek’s lovely human Kristyna and I quickly exchanged numbers to chat about the doggo’s adventures. So, here we are, presenting Mozek 😊

Now meet the brainy soul
Hey guys, my name is Mozek. It’s quite an uncommon name; in Czech language it means brain. What can I say – my hoomans got it right – I’m quite brainy.
Ever since I can remember, I’ve been living with my hoomans. I love to cuddle up to them and give them kisses. It is also great to go on walkies with them. I also love to play with all the neighbour doggos and their hoomans. I’ve many friends at the daycare too – I often get complimented on my sociable nature.

I’m an ace swimmer
I’m a great swimmer; every now and then you can find me swimming around in the sea, in the swimming pool – you name it, I’ve swam there. And don’t judge by my size, I AM an ace swimmer. I also love to sunbathe lying around on the grassy patches, wherever I can find them.
The only time I really bark out loud is when I see those mean plastic stuff flying around. I’ve found them in the sea too and often wonder why are these creatures here? I’ve told my hoomans to be wary about these mean creatures. You guys should be too!
I love watching wildlife shows

Oh ya, I forgot to say that I really love my toy lion – quite like Simba. Yeah, I know who Simba is; I’ve seen him in wildlife documentaries. I love watching wildlife documentaries; you may think I’m joking but I’m not. And I love my Duckinos treats too.
Before I sign off, the hoomans of PawzNRead asked me when my woof day is, and I told them whenever both my hoomans are at home all day with me it’s my woof day.
Hope you liked my story. And I hope you agree when the story headline ‘Meet the brainy soul’.

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Rupkatha Bhowmick
Glad you liked our story @wanderingambivert