
Meet Charlie who’d say “feed me, now” if he could talk

Meet Charlie

Meet Charlie

A little boy recently turned two. Want to know who? Well then meet Charlie who’d say “feed me, now” if he could talk. For context what we mean is Charlie always has the “feed me, now” mode on. And for this his humans lovingly call him “the hungriest and naughtiest boy ever.” As a wee pup, Charlie would shout and bark when he was hungry, not stopping until he got food. Many times, he would even sleep in the kitchen waiting for food.

When I was a wee pup

So, what’s life with Charlie like?

Life is of course great with Charlie around. It has been since April of 2020 when the boy arrived at his forever home. Who wouldn’t fall in love with his puppy face and naughty antics? Charlie is quite goofy too. We are told that he does zoomies in the middle of his walkies. For those who are new to the ‘humans of dogs’ lingo it means sudden explosion of energy. It could be running in circles or spinning around in the middle of perfectly normal walks.

“Charlie is quite a water baby too who could easily pass off as a mermaid on the beach,” says his human. This boy also has an adventurous streak and enjoys hiking with his humans. He has now earned the title of “professional mountain goat” too. At home he loves to play fetch, his snuffle mat but most of all, chimken [chicken].

Yeah, I love to explore

Who’s the attention seeker?

That’s definitely Charlie! “He is an absolute attention seeker. Charlie whines and hits us with his paw when he wants attention. He knows when it’s time to go out and starts wagging his tail and licking us as if telling us it’s time to go out.”

“Whenever we get ready to go out, he keeps wagging his tail hoping we will take him. In fact, sometimes he sits in front of the door so that we can’t leave. He needs to be with us all the time – literally.”

The “poser” me

One pup, many roles

Besides being the hungriest, naughtiest, adventurous and attention seeking pup, Charlie is a brand ambassador too. “Ever since he was a baby, Charlie loves wearing doggie clothes. Even now when we try to remove his hoodie or t-shirt he cries. He is ever ready pose in his bandanas. That’s why we decided to start a trendy brand for pets and decided to call it Charlieholic.” What’s more, the brand also supports local rescue centres.

So yes, Charlie might be one pup but plays many roles. Above all he is the heartbeat of his family.

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