Continuing our endeavour to feature compassionate and trustworthy veterinary doctors in the UAE for our ‘humans of dogs’ community, in July we have Lenka Prikrylova: Vet of the Month.
Specialisation: Small and exotic animals, internal medicine and soft tissue surgery
Years of practice: In total 13 years of practice with six years in Slovakia and seven years in the UAE. Currently, Dr. Lenka is with Dr Well Veterinary Clinic in Dubai.

Who inspired you to become a veterinary doctor?
Dr. Lenka: Since I was a child, I’d bring home any injured animals I found on the street. My mother who also loves animals would help me to clean them up and treat them. When it was time for me to choose a school, my mother suggested veterinary nurse studies. Once she gave me the idea, I decided at 14 years that I want to be a veterinary doctor to save animals. I never faltered from that decision and never regretted my choice. And I love my profession even though sometimes it can be very challenging and even sad. But at the same time, it gives me huge pleasure and happiness to be able to heal animals and send them back home to their families happy and healthy.
Do you’ve a dog/any other pet of your own?
Dr. Lenka: I have currently six dogs, three are with my parents in Slovakia and three with me in Dubai. In addition, I also have six parrots, two African Grey parrots and four cockatoos.
How would you describe your pet in 100 words?
Dr. Lenka: I’ll start with Erinye, an old lady. She is a Swiss Shephard whose favourite pastime is sunbathing, and her best friend is my parent’s cat Muro. They are a chilled pair who spend all their time together and enjoy napping together too. Eya (13) and her daughter Yoko (11) are Parson Russel Terriers, both are active little monkeys who like to run and bark at anything that moves.
In Dubai I’ve Zoe a six-year-old German Shephard. She is the third generation Shephard as I had her grandmother Pira. Zoe reminds me of Pira. She is a spoiled Dubai princess who likes to nap on my bed and chase birds and cats in the garden. Koby and Kelly are two Terrier foster fails who came as temporary additions, but I could not let them go to another family because I fell in love with them. They are both around six years old who love to cuddle in bed and help their big sister Zoe on her bird chasing spree.
What do you like the most about your job?
Dr. Lenka: Kissing and hugging puppies and kittens and being able to save a life.
What do you like the least about your job?
Dr. Lenka: Losing a patient.
If you were not a veterinary doctor, what would you aspire to be?
Dr. Lenka: Probably IT that I’d considered as career choice while in middle school. I really like computers.
How would you describe a dog in one word?
Dr. Lenka: Family.
Read our June ‘Vet of the Month’ feature here