Yes, I know most of you will frown at me. Some of you may even think that it’s crazy to even ask a question like this. If dogs could text what would be their code language – what kind of a question is that?
Well, I can explain. Until recently, I didn’t know what YOLO, JOMO, IDK meant. Frowning at a text message full of these abbreviations, I turned to our trusted friend Google! For those who know and use this code language, you can totally judge me. And for the uninitiated these mean You Only Live Once (YOLO), Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO), I Don’t Know (IDK). The list is exhaustive.
Thank God that Dogs can’t text. But let’s imagine for a second if dogs could text what would be their code language?
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Decoding doggo code language
So, here’s a first attempt at decoding doggo code language.
BOL: Bark Out Loud
LG: Let’s Go
OMDT: Over My Dead Toy
DYSC: Did You Say Chimken?
SMB: Smell My Butt
ROFB: Roll On Floor Barking
HAW: Hoomans Are Watching
OMD: Oh, My DOG! This one’s my absolute favourite
Wow, at this rate no one can stop me from becoming a pro at decoding doggo code language. In any case, I’m guilty of getting along well with dogs over humans.
Now to those of you who enjoyed reading this piece, keep adding to the list. The world needs more crazy humans like us.
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