Humans are weird and today I shall explain. I will start with something simple. If there is food in front of me, I will eat it (only if I like it). I will certainly not click a photo of the food first. I understand that the food smells delicious but what is the point of clicking a photo? Humans tell me it is for Pawstagram (Instagram)!
I was genuinely flabbergasted – yes, dogs can also have a rich vocab. Humans prioritise photos over food. Will likes will not feed a hungry dog?
See how humans are weird
Last weekend I went to do my grocery. Apparently, there is no free lunch. Even my lunch comes at a cost – I had to step out to do grocery instead of snoozing in bed on a Saturday afternoon. That was only the beginning. What followed was exhausting.
At the store, I was being repeatedly tugged at by the mothership. She thought I was barking without a reason. But I was only greeting the paw pals who I could not see but sniff. She did not even allow me to mark (she calls it pee, by the way). The humans at the store were more understanding. They said I was behaving perfectly normally. It was about time that someone said this to my humans, glad they did.
As soon as I was beginning to think that the humans at the store were smart, they too broke my myth by asking me to pose for a photo. Once again, a photo!!! And this time to hang on the Christmas tree. First, I do not understand why a tree does not smell like one. Second, have you ever seen a tree decorated with photos? I am telling you, humans are weird and they are losing it.
Pawstagram is the culprit
Finally, humans paid for the grocery from my allowance money and we left for home. Beat this – after we reached home, they again made me pose for photos. This time with the food packs. When they saw I was not interested, they lied to me about having chimken. I am not the one who gets fooled so easily, I could not smell chimken so I did not pose.
Guess what humans sometimes tell me things that are not true. Occasionally they shout – Oh, Bella is here, but she is not. Bella is my buddy and humans know that I tilt my head with happiness on hearing her name. That’s when they record the videos, I realised later. Nowadays I only yawn thinking how long this will go on before the humans calm down. I doubt they will as long as Pawstagram exists.