This is my last o‘paw’nion piece for 2020 so here’s to happy endings new beginnings and keep the tail wagging.
Happy endings
First, let’s get the customary out of the way. 2020 you were painful, but we got through fine, so do not feel bad. Let’s just say Hakuna Matata!
To be fair, it was not all bad, some pawsome things happened in 2020 – snore meditation tops my list. I taught my humans the art of snore meditation. It helped them because after a while they calmed down and did not expect me to do my business in the basement garage. I still remember it was quite hot and for two days, they endlessly discussed the lockdown and tried to explain to me that we cannot go out. Not even to do my business! I am a disciplined doggo and I like to follow my routine. So, I refused to do my business in the basement and decided to sleep it off until humans became rational again. Thankfully, the ordeal ended soon, and I got the freedom back to do my walkies and business outside.
You may also like: Humans are weird

New beginnings
Meanwhile, they fell in love with the snore meditation so much that they started sleeping early. A weird siren used to ring on their phones, and they would rush home from our walkies and head to bed. Can you believe it they even stopped watching television? Even more weird, they blamed it on me. They made a silly excuse for sleeping early. Apparently, if they stayed awake, I would demand a walkie after what they called curfew time. But I know they wanted to do snore meditation.
Recently I heard my human speaking with his colleague who said 2020 taught him to prioritise. I think it means do what matters to you the most. See, I did not need 2020 to teach me how to prioritise, I always place my walkies and snooze-time over most other things. But I noticed that humans learnt to prioritise – fathership drives me around more than before and we enjoy our rides. Mothership has started a pawlog (blog) and writes about us doggos, and she is so happy. She has given me KRAs too, like sharing my wisdom with you all. It is okay, you can thank me later.

Keep the tail wagging
This year also taught me that change is sometimes good. I changed my dogsery and found my favourite Pawfessor Ronaldo at Romi’s. I found many new friends too. While I am glad that 2020 was the ‘do everything at home’ year, I understood the importance of socialising and I like my days at the dogsery. I also got to spend more time with the humans this year, although sometimes I get tired of the lack of personal space. Of the endless conversations and the human sister’s mischiefs. But then I thought of some of my friends who could not see their humans for months because apparently there were no flights to bring them back home. I always comforted them by sniffing their butts and huddling together.

Repeat after me happy endings new beginnings and keep the tail wagging
Now over to 2021 – we welcome you with tail wags and high paws. Please be good to us and our humans. It seems like we waited for you for so long that even the meme makers ran out of ideas. Thank DOG, you have arrived at long last. We have great plans for you. Here’s to happy endings new beginnings and keep the tail wagging, always.