
Always and forever our boy

I'm Popo and I'm also the Paw-in-Chief
I’m Popo and I’m also the Paw-in-Chief

Yes, he is always and forever our boy. He is our Paw-in-Chief too. Today’s post is about Mr. Popo on his homecoming day.

Not my flesh, not my blood, not even my bone

But why do you seem much more than my own?

Not my looks, not my hair, not even my voice

But why do you seem a part of my soul?

You ask, what is the fuss of a homecoming day when you felt at home always?

And I say, this is the day when you made our house – home.

Beyond today, beyond every day, we are bonded for a lifetime.

Bonded in a way that makes me smile and even cry sometimes.

So, roll in the grass and get muddy,

Snooze and yawn big,

Even bark aloud and chase birds sometimes … because you – our little boy – are a blithe soul with a wise face.
I’m a free spirit

Yes, he is always and forever our boy. Always and forever our boy, Mr. Popo.

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