
A partner of 17 years

A canine partner of 17 years
A canine partner of 17 years

Today’s story is about Kalu, Priyanka’s beloved canine partner. He was incredibly gentle, yet fiercely protective. And they made a great team. Now Kalu is the favourite bedtime story for Priyanka’s boys. 

He walked into our hearts and home in a small bag

Who knew he would become a partner of 17 years?

He was a fluffball – demure and soft

All black, except three patches of white.

He was a sibling I never had.

Many evenings we spent staring at the stars.

In the afternoon we sneaked out to feast on ice lollies.

Many mornings I gave him my share of milk and he drank without complaining.

And most days we sat together enjoying puffed rice and corn cobs.

But how we detested fish!                                                                                                                

He was my partner in crime.

How do you bid goodbye to a partner of 17 years?

And how do you clean the fur off the furniture and floor for the last time?

Can you bear to look at the lonely squeakies and blankies?

How do you bear to just go on living when a canine partner goes?

I still feel baffled. But also grateful for those 17 years.

The most beautiful 17 years spent with my dear canine partner Kalu.

One day, we shall meet on the other side.

Again, we shall feast on ice lollies and corn cobs.

We will stare at the stars.

Again, we will smile about dodging the fish.

But most of all, we will just cuddle together like old times.

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