As our lil human turns one, we find ourselves slightly divided. You may wonder why?
Should the lil human grow or not?
Bella: I do not want her to grow up so quickly. Because it takes time to hoard toys, after all. Now I can easily go after her toys, which are everywhere. There are bath-time toys, nice squeaky ones and even a hideous Bailey – a dog with long brown ears like my bestie Popo. But let me tell you that is not a doggo at all. I am not the one to be easily fooled. Doggos do not speak and this Bailey nods his head, flaps his ears and speaks.
Zorro: I want her to grow up a little quicker. With the hope that when she is not so little anymore, she will not pull my ears or try to balance on me to stand up. I mean, it is not like she is feather weight. And, yes, I am also a bit touch sensitive. Don’t go by my size.
Read more about this pack: Life is better with goofballs
She must use the high chair
But we totally agree that she must be fed on that highchair no matter what, even if she grows big. We both fit in perfectly under that highchair and it is easier for us to pick up the scraps quickly. Our fav scraps are broccoli and carrots in unsalted butter (yes, we can smell salted and unsalted). Guess what, sometimes we do not even have to search the ground, scraps land straight into our open mouths. We are very agile that way.
Now, the good thing is we do not have to share our food with her yet. By the time, she crawls and reaches us, we polish off our food. We are told that our food is human-grade. Our humans work awfully hard to earn our meals so it is strictly not to be shared with anyone. We are selectively obedient.
As our lil human turns one
There is also consensus on one more thing. We love to sleep close to her. Her blankets are warm and soft. Okay, listen here is a secret – when no one is looking, we take her blankets and sleep on it. She does not even realise.
As our lil human turns one, we are told that there will be a pawrty this weekend to celebrate her first bark day. There will be cake and cucumbers – our favourites.
Zorro: I have become leaner so a piece of cake or two certainly won’t hurt.
Bella: For once, I am watching my weight and prefer to eat clean!
While we are comfortable in our skin, humans have got us pawrty attire that we will wear. Watch this space for our sassy photos.
Here’s wishing Bella, Zorro and Popo’s lil hooman a woofy first bark day. May the force be with you, girl!