
Cost of the Ukrainian crisis on humans and animals

Cost of the Ukrainian crisis on humans and animals (PC: Shelter PIF)

Cost of the Ukrainian crisis on humans and animals (PC: Shelter PIF)

The cost of the Ukrainian crisis on humans and animals is unthinkable. Amid escalating conflict, almost half a million people have already left the country. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) this number could easily go up to millions. The humanitarian crisis can’t be denied, and my heart breaks to think about how the animals are suffering too.

In a crisis of this scale, are people able to take their pets along? This question always haunts whenever I think of any crisis of this nature. Here are things that aid agencies are doing to support the animals who are suffering in Ukraine.

Also read: Saudi nonprofit Rahmah spreading compassion for animals

IFAW sends emergency funds to support animals in distress

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) is supporting its partner shelters in Ukraine with emergency funds. In a statement IFAW said, “This first grant will cover pet food, veterinary supplies and wages for daily care staff. They are still able to purchase supplies locally, but we know that will not last. We continue to collaborate with our partners in an effort to source supplies within the country and from neighbouring countries.”

IFAW has also created a list of resources for those who are leaving Ukraine with their pets.

NSPCA to support animal shelters in Ukraine

The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) has committed to support the animal shelters in Ukraine. It also commended animal welfare workers who decided to stay on to support the animals who have nowhere to go.

In a statement, NSPCA said, “The NSPCA will be donating R30000 as a starting point toward relief efforts for animal welfare shelters in Ukraine. The NSPCA is in liaison with overseas colleagues to establish legitimate routes for donations to be provided in a manner which will benefit as many Ukrainian animal welfare shelters as possible, and to ensure the money reaches the animals on the ground.”

Shelter Friend Ukraine continues to work tirelessly

Shelter Friend is a non-profit charity organisation and rehabilitation centre for the homeless animals in Dnepr City, Ukraine. In the wake of the current crisis, Shelter Friend is working tirelessly to ensure that the animals are taken care even as resources such as dry food is running out.

In a statement, Shelter Friend said, “…there is a shortage of everything. We have stock left for other 4 days and daily we are searching for further stock. With animals it’s a disaster. It will take long, long time to sort out abandoned animals and those who need help.”

Spreading the word is also supporting

To each one of you reading this article, please know that spreading the word is also a form of support. Please do share this article and information among your networks.

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