
NEVER give these five foods to your dog. Check the list.

Sometimes its best to ignore those begging eyes

Sometimes its best to ignore those begging eyes

No matter what NEVER give these five foods to your dog. These five foods that we will list down are toxic for your beloved pooches. So, no matter what don’t let those puppy eyes melt your heart. It’s hard to resist that urge to give a little piece of your food to your dog. But remember feeding bits and pieces off your plate can cause your dogs more harm than good.

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Let’s check the list now

Chocolates are a NO NO

Starting with chocolates

Well, who doesn’t love chocolates? Even our dogs will if they accidently ingest chocolates. And that can be fatal as caffeine and theobromine in chocolate can cause toxic effects. Besides vomiting and diarrhoea, these toxic effects also include tremors, seizures and even death. Fortunately, most dog parents are aware that chocolates aren’t good for dogs.

No, avocado isn’t a superfood for your dog

Avocado isn’t a superfood for your pooches

On a Thursday evening you’ve prepared a home-made guac to have with tortilla chips over a movie. You’re about to eat a chip and those puppy eyes grip you with guilt. Yet NEVER give even a small amount of guac made with avocado. Because avocados contain persin that’s harmful for dogs and can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. And if ingested, the avocado seed can cause fatal stomach and intestinal obstruction.

Keep them away from garlic and onion

Keep them away from garlic and onion

There’s a reason why your food isn’t good for your dog. A lot of our foods contain garlic and onion that can be fatal for dogs. These can damage your dog’s red blood cells causing anaemia and the symptoms aren’t visible immediately. Lethargy and weakness, breathing issues and even dark urine colour are some indications. In severe cases, dogs might require blood transfusions to avoid death.

Grapes and raisins aren’t healthy for dogs

Grapes and raisins aren’t healthy for them

Humans with a sweet tooth, you can easily turn to grapes and raisins to quench your cravings. But keep them far away from your dogs, as they aren’t great treats for them. Even ingesting a small number of grapes and raisings can make your dog sick. These items can also cause kidney failure in dogs.

NO dogs don’t need coffee to wake up.

Finally, keep the coffee for yourself

No, your dog doesn’t need that morning cup of coffee to start the day. They are good with a long walk and a healthy brekkie. So, reserve the coffee, tea as well as colas and energy drinks for yourself. Because caffeine can be fatal for dogs causing anything from restlessness and agitation to vomiting, panting and even tremors and seizures.

Now that you know NEVER give these five foods to your dog.

Note: This article is meant for information and awareness and should not be considered as medical opinion.

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