Summer months are quite harsh especially in our part of the world (the Middle East). It is tough for our dogs if proper precautions are not taken. Even after being mindful and taking a lot of precautions some dogs can still fall ill during summer. Think about it: you see an overcast sky and let you dog walk for five extra minutes without realising that it can overheat them. So, extreme physical exertion during hot weather is not recommended. It’s also important to understand how dogs regulate their body temperature. In this article we will talk about 3 summertime threats for dogs that humans should be aware of.

Heatstroke is a huge threat
Dogs can overheat quickly. Besides panting, dogs have sweat glands in the pads of their feet that help them cool down. As you can imagine, dogs are not that efficient in regulating their body temperature. Flat faced dogs take even longer to cool down compared to dogs with a long nose. So, carefully regulate your dog’s walk timings. Any time between 5:30 and 7 AM is a good window for a morning walk. Earlier the better. Evening walk should typically be after sundown around 7 PM or after. Try to walk in shaded areas and avoid hot surfaces that can burn their paws. If your dog likes to lounge in the garden, keep the sprinklers on so they can stay cool. You can create a paddle pool for them to jump in or use a cooling mat. Along with air conditioning, a ceiling or table fan is a great option.

Prevent dehydration
Dogs can get dehydrated quite easily during the summer months. So, always keep fresh and cool water accessible to them. When you step out for walks, always carry a bottle of water. Using a cooling harness is also a good option. Some dogs love to lick on ice lollies that you could offer them once they are back from their walks. There are several smart ways of making healthy ice lollies at home. or you can opt for a trusted brand of doggy ice-cream. However, like with everything consult a veterinary doctor before adding anything new to your dog’s diet.

Don’t ever leave them unattended in a car, garden, balcony and any other place that can potentially harm them. Under any circumstances don’t leave them unattended, we repeat. We’ve seen how unfortunate and tragic the results can be. A parked car can heat up very quickly and cause extreme harm to your dog. Similarly, if your dog is outside in the balcony or garden and you close the door by mistake and there is no doggy door for them to use it’s a recipe for disaster. So, always check these areas before closing the door(s). Also, always remember to lock the front door of your house. Some dogs are great escape artists [driven by the scent of a female dog in heat or sheer boredom]. And the last thing you want is a lost dog roaming somewhere outside in this extremely hot weather.