
3 oils good for dogs

3 oils for dogs

3 oils for dogs

Even a few years ago I wouldn’t bother so much, leave aside research, before buying cooking oil. Now I do. Because we’ve become aware and more conscious about some oils being healthier than others. In fact, consuming some oil variants daily is actually considered healthy. Its true for humans as well as our canine companions. If used properly and after seeking medical guidance from a trusted veterinarian can act as natural remedy through use of healthy and non-toxic oils can be beneficial for dogs. In today’s we will talk about 3 oils good for dogs, as recommended by Dr Karen Becker.

Starting with coconut oil

“I’m a huge believer in the benefits of coconut oil for pets,” Dr Becker says. “Coconut oil is a source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which benefit cognitive function.”

Feeding recommendation: Add to your dog’s meals ¼ teaspoon of 100% organic, cold-pressed and human-grade coconut oil for every 10 pounds of body weight twice daily.

Being an antimicrobial agent coconut oil is also good for dogs suffering from yeast infections or allergies. Applying organic coconut oil can also soothe dogs suffering from itchy skin, hot spots and more.

3 oils for dogs

Over to calming lavender oil

Be it aromatherapy to calm an anxious dog or to be used as a natural flea repellent a few drops of pure lavender oil is a great remedy.

Recommended use as natural flea repellent: Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to equal parts apple cider vinegar and water and spritz it on your pet before they step out for walks. this mixture can also reduce excessive paw licking.

“If your dog has a noise phobia, I recommend placing a few drops on his collar or bedding before a stressor occurs, if possible. Or diffuse the oil around your house for an overall calming effect,” Dr Becker adds.

Read more articles on dog health & wellbeing here

Oregano oil balances gut flora

Having antibacterial and anti-parasitic properties oregano oil can be used to balance your dog’s gut flora, calm their itchy skin or irritated gums.

Recommended use: Oregano oil should always be diluted before using it in or on pets. If your pet has ear mites, you can apply diluted oregano oil. One drop mixed with 10 drops carrier oil, such as calendula or coconut oil after removing the gunk and debris from the ears.

“If your dog has a yeast infection, I recommend adding natural antifungal foods to the diet, including small amounts of fresh oregano to help reduce the level of yeast naturally. It’s also a beneficial herb for dogs with kennel cough or recurrent infections,” Dr Becker said.

Note: Always check with your trusted veterinarian before adding anything new to your dog’s diet. This article is for information purposes only and should not be treated as medical opinion.

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