Thanks to Ricky Gervais here are 15 dog quotes that will make you cry.
To those who are wondering who is Ricky Gervais?
I will admit that I didn’t know him either before watching the brilliant Afterlife series written and directed by this extraordinary individual called Ricky Gervais. He is not only an exceptional actor, filmmaker and writer but also a committed animal rights activist.
Now those of you who haven’t watched the series (I bet not many), three seasons of Afterlife are streaming on Netflix. Thank you, Netflix, you made tears stream as well! And yes, now that the show is over with the third season I want to scream on top of my voice. Why Ricky Gervais, just why?
Alas, life goes on…

Over to lessons from Aterlife
To be honest nothing prepared me for what was to come when I started watching the first season of Afterlife. Almost every episode of the show left me weeping realising how each one of us is grieving in our own ways for some reason or the other. Besides the deep focus on love and loss another lovely aspect of this show is how it tackles issues such as mental health, debilitating illnesses and body myths with great humour and ease.
Above all the show strengthened my belief that dogs are the best things that happened to us humans. If you care to notice you will know how your dog rescues you every day – mine does!
Read our O’pawnion pieces
So, in honour of our beautiful furry companions, here are 15 dog quotes that will make you cry. And thank you Ricky Gervais for these goldmine of quotes.

On love and loss
“If the kindest souls were rewarded with the longest lives, dogs would outlive us all.
“I’ll go where the pets go.”
“The world might not miss you, but s/he would.”

Be kind
“Animals are not here for us to do as we please with. We are not their superiors, we are their equals. We are their family. Be kind to them.”
“Most people I’ve met who weren’t kind to animals weren’t kind to people either. Kindness is kindness. Simple as that.”
“How can anyone abandon a beautiful loyal dog? … S/he is not your accessory…S/he is your best friend.”
“This weekend visit your local rescue centre where your new best friend is waiting for you.”

Be funny
“When religious people ask me, ‘But, don’t you believe there’s something better than us in the universe?’ I answer, ‘Yes, most dogs.’”
“…I don’t believe in God, so I’d like to thank dogs…Dogs have given me everything.”
“I love how’s she’s looking at me saying ‘I love you, but you’re not having the rope.’”
“They’re just dogs. It’s like air or land.”

Do we even deserve dogs?
“…I try to prove to you that testing on animals is both cruel and pointless…Some people are undecided about testing on animals. Understandable. There’s so much propaganda and secrecy about it. Here’s a quick test though and your answer should tell you. What would you do if some man came to your house & squirted disinfectant in your beautiful dog’s eyes?”
“Wearing cosmetics that were tested on animals makes you ugly on the inside.”
“I believe the greatest privilege in this world is to use your freedom of speech for those who have no voice.”
“Be the person your dog thinks you are.”